Welcome to Cicero’s Forum

Cicero told his students to practice their communication skills in the Roman Forum. The forum was a rectangular area in the city center that provided Rome’s public sphere for debate. Cicero admonished his apprentices that to be persuasive in the forum required skill, knowledge of weighty matters and the ability to think on your feet.

Today, the forum stands in ruins. The Internet is the closest 21st century analogue. So, welcome to the forum at Cicero’s Academy™.

Cicero’s Academy™ is about workshops, curricula, our innovative Writing Slams and other event-driven forms of education. This website is also part of the package for those who register. Cicero’s Forum™ is our primary blog and it will be updated regularly with topics on education, communication and things that strike our fancy. We will also invite Crassus, Cicero’s alter ego from his own writings on communication, to weigh in from time to time.

The website will evolve and we welcome your input on content you would like to see. Some of our own ideas include an “Assign This” section for home school writing assignments, recommended books, a collection of our own tools and curricula and eventually a password-protected “Ask Cicero” forum where we can share ideas about writing from all those registered at the site.

Membership in Cicero’s Academy™ will have its privileges.

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